Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
Beginning in 2019, the school has put its signature twist to MOE’s Applied Learning Programme. A timetabled but non-examinable subject, the ALP aims to explicitly develop students’ 21st Century Competencies, prepare students for the future of work, and raise concerned and active citizens.
It does this through increasing students’ motivation and self-efficacy through the building of a strong subject identity, an exciting pedagogy and relevant content.
Over two years, our Upper Secondary students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding by:
- Applying communication skills through a variety of mediums and formats;
- Applying problem-solving skills by proposing solutions to problems in identified domains;
- Empathising with the unique context and needs of different groups in Singapore and Asia;
- Generating solutions to meet the needs of society.
Taught Component – Communication & Problem-Solving
Students in the ALP choose content that excites and challenges them to grow in their Communication and Problem-Solving skills. For example, in 2025, our students will learn:
Taught Component – Empathy
Students will experience a variety of learning journeys for them to empathise with the problems in Singapore and Asia. They will interact with industry professionals through a variety of authentic tasks, to learn how they apply communication and problem-solving skills, to add value to society.
Self-Directed Component – CREATE
In their graduating year, students will have a chance to CREATE to give back to society! Students have done this through mounting advocacy projects in the community, participated in job-internships and shadowing, and done their own research projects to improve the school experience.
For additional queries, please contact Mr Bertrand Tan (SH/Applied Learning) at