Celebrating 85 Years of Heritage
中正八五 共创辉煌! 为庆祝创校85周年,中正中学将展开一系列的庆祝活动,与中正大家庭共襄盛举。
This year signifies a momentous occasion as we celebrate the school’s 85th anniversary, and we extend a warm invitation to all Chung Cheng students, both past and present, to partake in the festivities!
It promises to be a year filled with events that unite the broader Chung Cheng Family, bringing together students from Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) and Nanyang Junior College. Through various activities, we aim to reaffirm our shared heritage and collectively set our sights on achieving greater heights.
Tune in to our social media platforms for more details on our celebratory activities!